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HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

Reviews Page

The Reviews page allows users to access and manage guest feedback and reviews. This section is essential for viewing ratings, reading comments, and responding to guest experiences. It helps identify areas for improvement, celebrate positive feedback, and enhance overall guest satisfaction.


At the top of the page, there are filters to help narrow down the reviews:

  • Status: A dropdown menu to filter reviews by their status (e.g., pending, approved, rejected).
  • Start Date: A date picker to select the start date for the reviews you want to view.
  • End Date: A date picker to select the end date for the reviews you want to view.
  • Submit Button: Apply the selected filters to update the list of reviews.

Table of Reviews

The main section of the page displays a table with the following columns:

  • S/N: Serial number of the review.
  • Guest: The name of the guest who left the review.
  • Comment: The content of the guest's review.
  • Location: The location associated with the review.
  • Rating: The rating given by the guest (e.g., stars).
  • Created At: The date and time when the review was created.
  • Status: The current status of the review (e.g., pending, approved, rejected).
  • Action: Actions that can be taken on the review (e.g., view details, respond, delete).

Example Review

S/NGuestCommentLocationRatingCreated AtStatusAction
1John DoeGreat service and friendly staff!Room 1015 stars09/01/2024 10:00 amApprovedView/Respond/Delete


  • View Details: Click on the view icon to see more details about the review.
  • Respond: Click on the respond icon to reply to the guest's review.
  • Delete: Click on the delete icon to remove the review from the list.


Users can export the list of reviews to an Excel file by clicking the "Export Excel" button.

This page is crucial for maintaining high standards of guest satisfaction by actively managing and responding to feedback.