HEMS - Hotel Manager
HEMS Navigation Bar
The HEMS navigation bar provides quick access to various sections of the hotel management system. Below is a detailed explanation of each section:
User Profile
- User Information: Displays the user's name and role.
- Name: Oreva Orior
- Email:
Navigation Links
Dashboard: The main overview page of the hotel management system.
- Icon: Dashboard icon.
Administration: Access to administrative functions and settings.
- Icon: Administration icon.
Inventory: Manage and view the hotel's inventory.
- Icon: Inventory icon.
Front Office: Operations related to the front office, such as check-ins and check-outs.
- Icon: Front Office icon.
Cashier: Financial transactions and cashier-related activities.
- Icon: Cashier icon.
Point Of Sales: Sales transactions and related activities.
- Icon: Point Of Sales icon.
Food & Beverages: Manage food and beverage services.
- Icon: Food & Beverages icon.
Purchases: Track and manage purchases.
- Icon: Purchases icon.
House Keeping: Housekeeping operations and management.
- Icon: House Keeping icon.
Maintenance: Maintenance tasks and schedules.
- Icon: Maintenance icon.
Accounts: Financial accounts and related activities.
- Icon: Accounts icon.
This navigation bar is designed to provide easy access to all the essential functions of the hotel management system, ensuring efficient and streamlined operations.