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Cancel Reservation

HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

Cancel Reservation Page

The Cancel Reservation page allows hotel staff to manage and process the cancellation of guest reservations. This page ensures that cancellations are handled efficiently and records are maintained for future reference.


  • Reservation Reference: Enter the reservation reference number to retrieve the booking details.
  • Cancellation Policies: Review and apply the hotel's cancellation policies.
  • Update Availability: Adjust room availability based on the cancellation.
  • Confirm Cancellation: Finalize the cancellation process and update the reservation status.

How to Use

  1. Enter Reservation Reference: Input the reservation reference number in the provided field and click the search button.
  2. Review Booking Details: Check the details of the reservation to ensure accuracy.
  3. Apply Cancellation Policies: Follow the hotel's policies regarding cancellations, including any fees or penalties.
  4. Update Availability: Adjust the room availability to reflect the cancellation.
  5. Confirm Cancellation: Click the 'Cancel Reservation' button to complete the process.


  • Ensure that all cancellation policies are reviewed and applied correctly.
  • The system will update the reservation status to 'Cancelled' once the process is completed.
  • Use the 'View Cancelled Reservations' tab to review past cancellations.

By using the Cancel Reservation page, hotel staff can efficiently manage reservation cancellations, ensuring that all necessary steps are followed and records are updated accurately.

HEMS Registration

View Cancelled Reservations Page

The View Cancelled Reservations page allows hotel staff to review and manage all reservations that have been cancelled. This page provides a detailed overview of cancelled bookings within a specified date range, ensuring that all cancellations are tracked and recorded accurately.


  • Date Range Selection: Choose the start and end dates to filter cancelled reservation records.
  • Submit Button: Click to retrieve cancelled reservation records for the selected date range.
  • Cancelled Reservations Table: Displays detailed information about each cancelled reservation, including:
    • S/N: Serial number of the cancellation record.
    • Action: Available actions for each record.
    • Rooms: Room number associated with the cancelled reservation.
    • Guest: Name of the guest.
    • No. of Nights: Number of nights the reservation was for.
    • Total Rate: Total amount that was to be charged for the stay.
    • Reservation Type: Type of reservation (e.g., standard, group).
    • Arrival Date: Original check-in date.
    • Departure Date: Original check-out date.
    • Billing Info: Billing information for the reservation.
    • Payment Method: Method used for payment.

How to Use

  1. Select Date Range: Use the date pickers to choose the start and end dates for the cancelled reservation records you want to view.
  2. Submit: Click the 'Submit' button to retrieve the cancelled reservation records for the specified date range.
  3. Review Records: Examine the details in the cancelled reservations table to verify and manage cancellations.


  • Ensure the date range covers the period you are interested in to get accurate records.
  • Use the action buttons to perform tasks such as viewing detailed billing information or correcting any discrepancies.

By using the View Cancelled Reservations page, hotel staff can efficiently monitor and manage all cancelled reservations, ensuring that all necessary steps are followed and records are updated accurately.