View Purchases
HEMS - Hotel Manager
View Purchases
The View Purchases page allows users to review and manage their purchase records. This page is essential for tracking past transactions, verifying purchase details, and maintaining accurate financial records.
- Date Filters: Select a start and end date to filter purchases within a specific time frame.
- Supplier Filter: Choose a supplier from the dropdown menu to view purchases from a specific supplier.
- Invoice Number Filter: Enter an invoice number to search for a specific purchase.
- Submit Button: Apply the selected filters to view the relevant purchase records.
- Purchase Table: Displays detailed information about each purchase.
Table Columns
- S/N: Serial number of the purchase record.
- Items: The items included in the purchase.
- Item Name/Cost | Model | Quantity: Detailed information about each item, including its name, cost, model, and quantity.
- Unit Price: The price per unit of each item.
- Total Price: The total price for each item (unit price multiplied by quantity).
- Grand Total: The total cost of the purchase.
- Supplier Name: The name of the supplier providing the items.
- Transaction Date: The date when the transaction occurred.
- Location of Delivery: The location where the items were delivered.
- Invoice Number: The invoice number associated with the purchase.
- Action: Options to view, edit, or delete the purchase record.
- Select Date Range: Choose the start and end dates (e.g., 09/12/2024).
- Select Supplier: Choose a supplier from the dropdown menu.
- Enter Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number if searching for a specific purchase.
- Submit: Click the "Submit" button to filter the purchases.
- View Results: The table will display the purchase records within the selected filters. If no purchases are found, a message "Table is Empty" will be shown.
This page is useful for:
- Reviewing past purchase records.
- Ensuring all purchases are accounted for.
- Managing supplier relationships by tracking purchase history.
- Ensure the date format is correct (MM/DD/YYYY).
- Use the filters effectively to narrow down search results.
- Click on the invoice number to copy it to the clipboard for easy reference.