View Purchase Oder
HEMS - Hotel Manager
View Purchase Order
The View Purchase Order page allows users to review and manage purchase orders within a specified date range. This page is essential for tracking transactions, verifying order details, and ensuring accurate record-keeping.
- Date Filters: Select a start and end date to filter purchase orders within a specific time frame.
- Submit Button: Apply the selected date range to view the relevant purchase orders.
- Purchase Order Table: Displays detailed information about each purchase order.
Table Columns
- Transaction Date: The date when the transaction occurred.
- Reference No.: A unique identifier for the purchase order.
- Items: The items included in the purchase order.
- Item Name/Cost | Quantity: Detailed information about each item, including its name, cost, and quantity.
- Grand Total: The total cost of the purchase order.
- Supplier Name: The name of the supplier providing the items.
- Location: The location where the purchase order is to be delivered.
- Action: Options to view, edit, or delete the purchase order.
- Select Date Range: Choose the start and end dates (e.g., 09/02/2024).
- Submit: Click the "Submit" button to filter the purchase orders.
- View Results: The table will display the purchase orders within the selected date range. If no purchase orders are found, a message "Table is Empty" will be shown.
This page is useful for:
- Reviewing past purchase orders.
- Ensuring all orders are accounted for.
- Managing supplier relationships by tracking order history.
- Ensure the date format is correct (MM/DD/YYYY).
- Use the "Action" column to manage individual purchase orders effectively.