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HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

# Expenses

The Expenses page is designed to help users record and manage their financial expenditures. This page is crucial for tracking spending, ensuring accurate financial records, and managing budgets effectively.


  • Paid To: Enter the name of the person or entity to whom the payment was made.
  • Search by Item Name: Search for specific items by name.
  • Other Detail: Enter any additional details related to the expense.
  • Description: Provide a detailed description of the expense.

Expense Table

  • S/N: Serial number of the expense entry.
  • Item: The name of the item or service for which the expense was incurred.
  • Amount: The amount spent on the item or service.
  • Add/Delete Entries: Use the green plus button to add more items and the red minus button to delete entries.

Payment Details

HEMS Registration

View Expenses

The View Expenses page allows users to review and manage their recorded expenses. This page is essential for tracking financial outflows, verifying expense details, and maintaining accurate financial records.


  • Date Filters: Select a start and end date to filter expenses within a specific time frame.
  • Submit Button: Apply the selected date range to view the relevant expense records.
  • Expenses Table: Displays detailed information about each expense.

Table Columns

  • S/N: Serial number of the expense entry.
  • Date: The date when the expense was recorded.
  • Appr/ID: The approval ID or identifier for the expense.
  • Description: A brief description of the expense.
  • Total Amount: The total amount of the expense.
  • Amount Paid: The amount that has been paid for the expense.
  • Payment Method: The method used to pay for the expense (e.g., Bank Transfer).
  • Action: Options to view, edit, or delete the expense record.


  1. Select Date Range: Choose the start and end dates (e.g., 09/12/2024).
  2. Submit: Click the "Submit" button to filter the expenses.
  3. View Results: The table will display the expense records within the selected date range. If no expenses are found, a message "No records retrieved" will be shown.


This page is useful for:

  • Reviewing past expenses.
  • Ensuring all expenses are accounted for.
  • Managing financial records and budgets.


  • Ensure the date format is correct (MM/DD/YYYY).

  • Use the filters effectively to narrow down search results.

  • Regularly review and update expense records to maintain accurate financial data.

  • Payment Method: Select the method of payment used (e.g., Bank Transfer).

  • Amount Paid: Enter the total amount paid for the expenses.

  • Total: Displays the total amount of all entered expenses.


  • Submit Button: Finalize and save the expense details.


  1. Enter Paid To: Fill in the name of the person or entity (e.g., "John Doe").
  2. Search by Item Name: Search for and select the item name.
  3. Other Detail: Enter any additional details if necessary.
  4. Description: Provide a detailed description of the expense.
  5. Expense Table:
    • Enter the item name and amount for each expense.
    • Use the green plus button to add more items.
    • Use the red minus button to delete entries.
  6. Payment Method: Select the payment method from the dropdown menu (e.g., "Bank Transfer").
  7. Amount Paid: Enter the total amount paid.
  8. Submit: Click the "Submit" button to save the expense details.


This page is useful for:

  • Recording daily expenses.
  • Ensuring all expenditures are accounted for.
  • Managing budgets and financial planning.


  • Ensure all fields are filled out accurately.
  • Double-check the total amount before submitting.
  • Use the search and filter features to quickly find specific items.