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Trial Balance

HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

Trial Balance


The Trial Balance is a crucial financial report used in accounting to ensure that the total debits equal the total credits in the general ledger. It is typically prepared at the end of an accounting period to check the accuracy of the bookkeeping entries.


  • Date: Enter the date for which the trial balance is being prepared. The format should be mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Submit: Click this button to generate the trial balance for the specified date.

Table Columns

Once the trial balance is generated, the results will be displayed in a table with the following columns:

  • Item/Description: The name or description of the account.
  • Debit: The total debit amount for the account.
  • Credit: The total credit amount for the account.


  1. Enter Date: Input the date for which you want to prepare the trial balance.
  2. Submit: Click the Submit button to generate the trial balance.
  3. Review Table: The table will display the accounts with their respective debit and credit totals. If no entries are available, the table will show "Table is Empty."


The Trial Balance is essential for:

  • Error Detection: Ensuring that the total debits equal the total credits helps identify any mathematical errors in the ledger.
  • Financial Reporting: It serves as a preliminary step before preparing official financial statements like the balance sheet and income statement.
  • Audit Preparation: Auditors use the trial balance to verify the accuracy of the financial records before conducting a detailed audit.


Accounts Payable5,000

In this example, the total debits (10,000) equal the total credits (10,000), indicating that the ledger is balanced.

Ensure all entries are accurate and complete before finalizing the trial balance to maintain the integrity of your financial records.