HEMS - Hotel Manager
User Page
The User Page is designed to manage and display information about the users of the hotel management system. This page provides a comprehensive view of all registered users, allowing administrators to perform various actions such as viewing, editing, and managing user details.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- User Table
- Actions
- Pagination
The User Page is a central hub for managing user information. It includes a table that lists all users along with their details and status. Administrators can use this page to keep track of user activities and manage their access to the system.
User Table
The user table displays the following columns:
- S/N: Serial number of the user.
- Action: Options to view, edit, or delete the user.
- First Name: The first name of the user.
- Last Name: The last name of the user.
- Email: The email address of the user.
- Status: The current status of the user (e.g., Active, Deactivated, Not Verified).
- Address: The address of the user.
S/N | Action | First Name | Last Name | Status | Address | |
1 | Edit/Delete | John | Doe | | Active | 123 Main St |
2 | Edit/Delete | Jane | Smith | | Deactivated | 456 Elm St |
3 | Edit/Delete | Bob | Johnson | | Not Verified | 789 Oak St |
- Edit: Allows the administrator to modify user details.
- Delete: Removes the user from the system.
- View: Displays detailed information about the user.
The user table supports pagination to handle large numbers of users. Administrators can navigate through different pages to view all users.
The User Page is an essential component of the hotel management system, providing administrators with the tools they need to effectively manage user information and maintain system security.