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HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

User Panel

The User Panel allows administrators to review and manage user activities within the system. Below are the sections included on the User Panel:


  • Note: Review users' recent activities and updates below.


  • Personnel: A dropdown menu to select the user whose activities you want to review.
  • Start Date: A date picker to select the start date for the activity review period.
  • End Date: A date picker to select the end date for the activity review period.
  • Submit Button: A button to apply the selected filters and retrieve user activities.

User Activity Table

  • TIME: The timestamp of the activity.
  • ACTIVITY: A brief description of the activity performed by the user.
  • STATUS: The status of the activity (e.g., completed, pending).
  • DESCRIPTION: Additional details about the activity.


Below is an example of how the User Panel might look:

# User Panel

## Overview
**Note**: Review users' recent activities and updates below.

## Filters
- **Personnel**:
- [ ] John Doe
- [ ] Jane Smith
- [x] Robert Brown
- **Start Date**: 08/01/2024
- **End Date**: 08/31/2024
- Submit

## User Activity Table
| 10:00 AM | Login | Completed | User logged in |
| 10:15 AM | Update Profile | Pending | Updated email address |
| 11:00 AM | Logout | Completed | User logged out |

**No records retrieved** if no activities match the selected filters.