HEMS - Hotel Manager
Profile Page
The Profile Page allows users to view and update their personal information. Below are the sections included on the Profile Page:
Profile Picture
- Profile Picture: Users can upload or change their profile picture.
Personal Information
- First Name: The user's first name.
- Last Name: The user's last name.
- Email: The user's email address.
- Phone Number: The user's phone number.
- Address: The user's residential address.
Job Details
- Job Role: The user's job role within the hotel.
- Department: A dropdown menu to select the user's department.
- Date of Birth: A date picker interface to select the user's date of birth.
- Supervisor: A dropdown menu to select the user's supervisor.
- Update Button: A button to save any changes made to the profile.
Below is an example of how the Profile Page might look:
# Profile Page
## Profile Picture
!Profile Picture
## Personal Information
- **First Name**: John
- **Last Name**: Doe
- **Email**:
- **Phone Number**: +1234567890
- **Address**: 123 Main St, Anytown, USA
## Job Details
- **Job Role**: Manager
- **Department**:
- [ ] Front Desk
- [ ] Housekeeping
- [x] Administration
- [ ] Maintenance
- **Date of Birth**: 01/01/1980
- **Supervisor**:
- [ ] Jane Smith
- [x] Robert Brown
- [ ] Emily White
## Actions
- Update