View Issue Log
HEMS - Hotel Manager
View Issue Log
The View Issue Log page allows users to track and manage issues related to inventory or sales over a specified period. This page includes the following features:
- Type of Issue: A dropdown menu to select the type of issue you want to view. Options might include various issue categories relevant to your system.
- Start Date: A date picker to select the beginning date for the issue log.
- End Date: A date picker to select the ending date for the issue log.
- Submit Button: After selecting the filters, click the "Submit" button to view the filtered issue logs.
Issue Log Table
The table displays the filtered issue logs with the following columns:
- S/N: Serial Number of the issue.
- Sales Point: The location or point of sale where the issue occurred.
- Teller No.: The identifier for the teller or cashier involved.
- Item Name: The name of the item related to the issue.
- Qty Issue: The quantity of the item involved in the issue.
- Ref: Reference number or code for the issue.
- Action: Actions that can be taken to resolve the issue.
If no issues match the selected filters, the table will display "Table is Empty."
Example Usage
- Select the type of issue from the dropdown menu.
- Choose the start and end dates for the period you want to review.
- Click the "Submit" button to view the issue logs.
This page helps in efficiently managing and resolving issues by providing a clear and organized view of all logged issues.