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Opening Stock

HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

Opening Stock

The Opening Stock page allows you to enter and manage the initial stock quantities for your inventory items. This is essential for keeping track of your inventory from the start.


  • Department/Sale Point Dropdown: Select the department or sales point for which you want to manage the stock.
  • Main Store Dropdown: Choose the main store where the inventory is located.
  • Stock Table: Displays the list of items with columns for:
    • S/N: Serial Number of the item.
    • Item Name: Name of the inventory item.
    • Begin Balance: Initial quantity of the item in stock.


  1. Select Department/Sale Point: Use the dropdown to choose the relevant department or sales point.
  2. Select Main Store: Choose the main store from the dropdown.
  3. Enter Initial Stock Quantities: Input the beginning balance for each item in the table.
  4. Save or Reset:
    • Click Save All to save the entered data.
    • Click Reset to clear all current entries.


  • If there is no data available for the selected sales point, a message will be displayed: "Not successful! There may be no data available for this salespoint."
  • Ensure that all required fields are filled out correctly before saving.


  • Reset: Clears all current entries on the page.
  • Save All: Saves the entered data.

This page is crucial for setting up your inventory management system by establishing the initial stock levels for accurate tracking and management.