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Update Inevtory

HEMS - Hotel Manager

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Update Inventory

The Update Inventory page allows you to edit inventory details, adjust stock levels, and manage item information efficiently.


  • Department/Sales Point Dropdown: Select the department or sales point for which you want to update the inventory.
  • Main Store Dropdown: Choose the main store where the inventory is located.
  • Inventory Table: Displays the list of items with columns for:
    • S/N: Serial Number of the item.
    • Select: Checkbox to select items for bulk actions.
    • Item Name: Name of the inventory item.
    • Price: Current price of the item.
    • Price Two: Secondary price, if applicable.
    • Min Balance: Minimum balance required for the item.
    • Qty in Stock: Current quantity of the item in stock.


  1. Select Department/Sales Point: Use the dropdown to choose the relevant department or sales point.
  2. Select Main Store: Choose the main store from the dropdown.
  3. Edit Inventory Details: Update the necessary fields in the table for each item.
  4. Bulk Actions:
    • Select All: Select all items in the table.
    • De-Select All: Deselect all items.
    • Delete Selected: Remove selected items from the inventory list.
  5. Save Changes: Click Save All to save any changes made to the inventory.


  • If there are no records retrieved for the selected department or store, a message will be displayed: "No records retrieved."
  • Ensure that all required fields are filled out correctly before saving.


  • Select All: Selects all items in the inventory table.
  • De-Select All: Deselects all currently selected items.
  • Delete Selected: Deletes the selected items from the inventory.
  • Save All: Saves all changes made to the inventory.

This page is essential for maintaining accurate and up-to-date inventory records, ensuring that stock levels and item details are always current.