View Daily Assignment
HEMS - Hotel Manager
View Daily Assignment Sheet
The View Daily Assignment Sheet page allows you to see all the assignments and tasks scheduled for the day. This helps in managing and tracking the progress of various tasks efficiently.
Table Columns Explained:
- Guest Name: The name of the guest associated with the assignment.
- No of Persons: The number of persons included in the booking.
- Room Number: The room number assigned to the guest.
- Arrival Date: The date when the guest is expected to arrive.
- Departure Date: The date when the guest is expected to leave.
- Time In: The time when the guest checks in.
- Time Out: The time when the guest checks out.
- Items: Any specific items or tasks associated with the assignment.
- Action: Options to edit, delete, or view more details about the assignment.
To view the daily assignments, follow these steps:
- Guest Name: Check the name of the guest (e.g., "Victor").
- No of Persons: Verify the number of persons included (e.g., "2").
- Room Number: Note the room number assigned (e.g., "324").
- Arrival Date: Confirm the arrival date (e.g., "2024-09-02").
- Departure Date: Confirm the departure date (e.g., "2024-09-05").
- Time In: Check the check-in time (e.g., "10:30 AM").
- Time Out: Check the check-out time (e.g., "12:00 PM").
- Items: Review any specific items or tasks (e.g., "Extra Towels").
- Action: Use the action icons to edit, delete, or view more details about the assignment.
Sample Table:
Guest Name | No of Persons | Room Number | Arrival Date | Departure Date | Time In | Time Out | Items | Action |
Victor | 2 | 324 | 2024-09-02 | 2024-09-05 | 10:30 AM | 12:00 PM | Extra Towels | Edit/Delete |
By using the View Daily Assignment Sheet, you can ensure that all tasks are monitored and managed effectively, leading to better service and guest satisfaction.