Sales Report
HEMS - Hotel Manager
Sales Report Page
The Sales Report Page is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of sales activities within a specified period. Below is a detailed explanation of each section and its functionalities:
- Sales History: Indicates the current section for viewing sales reports.
- Department / Salespoint: Dropdown menu to select the department or sales point (e.g., Main Store).
- Staff: Dropdown menu to select the staff member involved in the sales (e.g., -ALL USERS-).
- Start Date: Input field to select the start date for the sales report.
- End Date: Input field to select the end date for the sales report.
- Submit Button: Button to generate the sales report based on the selected filters.
Sales Report Table
This section displays the sales data in a tabular format with the following columns:
- S/N: Serial number of the sales record.
- DATE: Date of the sales transaction.
- REF #: Reference number of the sales transaction.
- DESCRIPTION: Description of the sales transaction.
- TOTAL AMOUNT: Total amount of the sales transaction.
- AMOUNT PAID: Amount paid for the sales transaction.
- PAYMENT METHOD: Method used for the payment (e.g., cash, card, transfer).
- ROOM/CC: Room number or cost center associated with the sales transaction.
- ACTION: Actions that can be performed on the sales record (e.g., view, edit, delete).
No Records Message
- Table is Empty: Message displayed when no sales records match the search criteria.
This page is essential for generating detailed sales reports, allowing users to filter and review sales data based on various parameters such as department, staff, and date range.