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HEMS - Hotel Manager

HEMS Registration

Receipt Page

The Receipt Page is designed to record and manage payment transactions. Below is a detailed explanation of each section and its functionalities:

  • Balance: Nil: Indicates that there is no outstanding balance for the transaction.

Payment Information

  • Apply To: Dropdown menu to select the transaction or invoice to which the payment is applied.
  • Amount Paid: Input field to enter the amount of money paid.
  • Payment Method: Dropdown menu to select the method of payment (e.g., TRANSFER).
  • Bank Name: Input field to enter the name of the bank used for the payment.

Additional Details

  • Other Details: Field to enter additional information such as account name, transaction reference, and other relevant details.
  • Description: Text box to provide a description or notes about the payment.


  • Reset: Button to clear all the fields and reset the form.
  • Submit: Button to submit the payment details and proceed with the transaction.

This page is essential for accurately recording payment transactions, ensuring all necessary details are captured for financial records.

HEMS Registration

View Receipt Page

The View Receipt Page is designed to allow users to search and view past payment receipts. Below is a detailed explanation of each section and its functionalities:


  • POS RECEIPT: Indicates the current page for viewing receipts.

Date Range Selection

  • Start Date: Input field to select the start date for the receipt search.
  • End Date: Input field to select the end date for the receipt search.
  • Submit Button: Button to initiate the search based on the selected date range.

Receipt Table

This section displays the search results in a tabular format with the following columns:

  • S/N: Serial number of the receipt.
  • DATE: Date of the transaction.
  • REF #: Reference number of the receipt.
  • DESCRIPTION: Description of the transaction.
  • TOTAL AMOUNT: Total amount of the transaction.
  • AMOUNT PAID: Amount paid for the transaction.
  • PAYMENT METHOD: Method used for the payment (e.g., cash, card, transfer).
  • ROOM/CC: Room number or cost center associated with the transaction.
  • ACTION: Actions that can be performed on the receipt (e.g., view, edit, delete).

No Records Message

  • No records retrieved: Message displayed when no receipts match the search criteria.

This page is essential for retrieving and reviewing past payment transactions, ensuring that users can easily access and manage their financial records.